The elections in Sweden last automn left Swedish politicians with a complicated riddle to solve.
The centre-left bloc came with 144 seats in total slightly ahead of the centre-right bloc who won 143 seats in Swedish parliament.
Here are the details.
Centre-left bloc:
Social Democrats 101 (down from 113)
Green Party 15 (down from 25)
Left Party 28 (up from 21)
Total for bloc: 144 (down from 159)
Centre-right bloc:
Moderates 70 (down from 84)
Centre Party 31 (up from 22)
Liberals 19 (holding at 19)
Christian Democrats 23 (up from 16)
Election Results in Sweden reported by the British Express
Since end of last september the partys of the centre-left partys strruggle to build a new government. A struggle in which Sweden’s Left Party has assumed a key role, preventing Social Democrat Stefan Löfven from becoming the next prime minister of Sweden as long as his Social Democrats stick to their plans for market liberalisation to which they have agreed upon with the Centre Party and the Liberals. An agreement negotiated in order to prevent the Sweden Democrats from the populist right to enter a governing coalition. A strategy that hasn’t workde so far.
Swedish Aftonbladet comments in the Left Party’s role.
Swedish Newspaper Expressen equally doesn’t believe that the Left Party will give in. A deal with the other free from the left-centre block would leave leader Jonas Sjöstedts party of any influence for the coning four years.
Expressen on a deal with no future.