Copy Right Law Reform

It‘s done. Negotiators for the member states agreed upon a deal to strengthen publishers in the EU. With this new deal google and other search engines need to pay a fee when they publish extracts of articles reports german newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).


The german Bundesverband Deutscher Zeitungsverleger (BDZV) sees a great chance for independent journalism.


Now publishers can negotiate fair deals for the usage of their content hopes the german Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger (VDZ).


The text of the reform – approved by 438 votes against 226 in the Euopean Parliament this wednesday, the 12th of february 2019 – is a revenge for the cultural and media industries after the snub at the beginning of the summer judges French daily Le Monde. Also article 13 of the initial agreement has been softened. Now platformes need to put in place filter mechanisms for content for which no deals with the right owner exists.

Le Monde

But what happens if the big gate keepers of the Internet age don’t agree on a deal with a smaller content producer. Does this hinder said content producer to find its public?

For as long as Great Britain stays in the European Unions these new rules will also aplly to the British Islands. Read the specifis of article 13 explained by British Broadcasting Company (BBC).


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